About US
Beloved in Christ!
It is a great pleasure to meet you through this book. Only this, I praise the Lord who has led the path of this ministry gloriously for 24 years, I praise the God who has made this flower of the 25th year bloom.
I am able to do the heavy service of the Lord today because of the prayers of my parents Late A.Peter Devanesan and P.Esther Jayakumari, who cried for me when I was living in a sinful life and sought the true God and prayed to Him, and when I was on my deathbed I looked to the Lord for life and cried for me. My father became physically ill and passed away in 2006. To this day, my mother’s faith, zeal and prayer continuously strengthen me to do the Lord’s service. My God has given me my mother as the backbone for this ministry. May the Lord Himself give them more physical health and health Amen. Still my dear spiritual late mother who gave me spiritual secrets, God’s words and revelations and taught me how to serve and made me a church leader. Late Mother Yakammal for them and Chief Pastor Pr. Kumar, I also thank them.